通过矫正牙齿获得美丽的笑,可以改变你的外表,但你知道它也会影响你的健康吗?在 Teng Smiles Orthodontics,我们着眼于大局并使用最先进的技术为您带来更好的自信、功能和整体健康。
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您在Bellevue and Seattle 西雅图的口腔正畸医师。

“我自己从小牙齿也不好,进了大学后, 更是注意到自己牙齿不好看,不敢笑,随后下颌关节也出现杂音,咀嚼时不舒服。在上牙学院时,教授帮我做了矫正。当初我对治疗结果相当惊奇。就这样,我开始对牙齿正畸感兴趣有热情,至今不减。”

您在 Teng Smiles 的体验就是关于您自己。

‘‘Before beginning my orthodontic treatment, I felt nervous and very intimidated about smiling, but that has changed and I’m now confident during the day. He put into perspective what would be best for me both in terms of oral health and cosmetically, taking time to explain each step. I am very grateful and would recommend his service to clients of all ages! ’’
‘‘When I first visited them, his team examined my teeth and patiently answered all my questions and concerns. Then, he gave me a very professional and honest advice on each possible treatment method and its pros and cons. His staff is very helpful and friendly, and speaks Chinese and English, which is a plus.’’
‘‘I took my 8-year-old (who already lost 15 baby teeth!) to three orthodontists for evaluation and decided to get treatment at Dr. Teng’s office. He’s knowledgeable and professional. He’s also involved in community events and donates to various community and education-related causes, such as our elementary school’s auction and Bellevue’s Thunderbird Little League. ’’
‘‘Dr. Teng assessed and treated me with Invisalign braces. As an adult completing orthodontic treatment, I was anxious, but Dr. Teng was wonderful to work with. His office manager, Jai is absolutely the best! She is exceptionally competent and exceedingly kind. I would recommend this office to anyone who is in need of orthodontic work.’’

隐适美 Invisalign® 白金级正畸医师
享受整齐漂亮的牙, 不需要弓丝和金属,效果毫不妥协。
滕医师是西雅图和华盛顿州贝尔维尤的 Invisalign® 白金级口腔正畸医师,成功治疗超过一千个病例。
虽然 Invisalign® 具有与国定牙套类似的优势,但透明塑料牙套不含金属,可提供更多的舒适度、信心和灵活性。对于某些患者,Invisalign® 隐适美比牙套更有效,更受青睐。
5613 119th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98006
周三 9:00am - 6:00pm周四: 8:00am - 5:00pm
周五: 9:00am - 6:00pm